474. Mary L. Kirchoff – Endless Quest #33: Knight of Illusion (1986)

You might recognize this book cover, in fact, if you are following me you probably do recognize it. However, it’s likely that you do not know it as the cover to the 33rd volume in the Endless Quest series of gamebooks, Knight of Illusion, but know it instead as the box cover for Pool of Radiance from 1988, the first of the classic Gold Box games (which I have been playing through on my YouTube channel) or the cover of the corresponding novel from 1989. Weird to think that this classic Clyde Caldwell painting had its humble beginning as the cover for a much less “noble” TSR publication.

 As usual these Endless Quest novels are of variable quality, but this one is not bad, even though I only had access to the Spanish version of the book (you can check out the cover above as well). Here you play Rolif, a young man in search of his kidnapped parents in a game that hews closer to D&D rules than most of these books.

With plenty of interior illustrations, some of which I’ll show you in a future post, this is a worthy addition to the long running Endless Quest series.

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